There has been a great deal of conversation and speculation about the future of health care in southern Chester County in recent days. Tower Health’s abrupt decision to close Jennersville Hospital with little warning showed a complete disregard for the needs of the surrounding community, not to mention their own employees who faithfully served through the most challenging medical crisis in recent memory. Many have asked me – What is happening? Is the hospital going to reopen?
My No.1 priority is to bring quality medical care back to Jennersville, especially emergency medicine. Christiana and Chester County hospitals are both 45 minutes from Jennersville – distance and time that an individual suffering from a heart attack or other serious trauma doesn’t have. Thousands in our community depend on the Jennersville ER and the associated care provided at the hospital for complex medical conditions. I can speak to the need for the hospital’s services from personal experience, as members of my own family received high-quality acute medical care at Jennersville Hospital in the past year.
I am working closely, on a daily basis, with Chester County, Penn Township, Medic 94, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and many others in our community to forge a path forward. These conversations are positive and ongoing. As soon as there is progress or an announcement to make regarding the future of Jennersville Hospital, this website will be updated with the details. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to give me a call at the Jennersville office
(610) 869-1602 if you have specific questions, concerns or suggestions.
Thank you.