Issues and Correspondence

Rep. Lawrence questions Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Michael Humphreys regarding his agency’s approval of significant auto insurance rate hikes during 2024 Budget Hearings.

Rep. Lawrence follow up letter to Commissioner Humphreys, Philadelphia Inquirer Article 
Rep. Lawrence referenced in his questioning of Commissioner Humphreys regarding significant auto insurance rate hikes, and follow up correspondence from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department admitting that they did, in fact, approve very significant rate hikes.


Rep. Lawrence questions Secretary of Health Dr. Debra Bogen regarding the alarming increase in statewide hospital closures during 2024 Budget Hearings.

Roll Call Votes for House Bill 1300 A02050, House Bill 1422 A01787, and Motion to Suspend the Rules to Consider House Bill 1422 A01697.
Read the House Committee Roll Call Votes here.

Proposed Abolition of the Judicial Council of Pennsylvania
Rep. Lawrence letter to the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts

April 2023 Audit of $50,000,000 PENNVEST Loan to Lyme Timber
Click here to read.

Non-Compliant Area Agencies for Aging Under State Oversight

Rep. Lawrence asks Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich about state oversight of county-level aging services.

PDA response to Rep. Lawrence’s questions.

List of non-compliant county AAAs  under state oversight as of April 2023.

Potential Disincorporation of the City of Chester

Sept. 5, 2018   Contract between City of Chester and PFS VII LCC to privatize parking meters in the City

April 13, 2023   Rep. John Lawrence questions DCED Secretary Rick Siger concerning recent news reports on Chester and Mayor Thaddeus Kirkland’s support in selling Chester Water Authority

April 17, 2023  DVJournal article “Receiver: Chester's Dire Financial Straits May Lead to Disincorporation

April 18, 2023   Right-to-Know request filed by Rep. Lawrence with DCED asking for Mayor Kirkland’s proposed plans regarding Chester’s finances and a potential sale of Chester Water Authority

April 18, 2023    Right-to-Know request filed by Rep. Lawrence with the Receiver for the City of Chester asking for Mayor Kirkland’s proposed plans regarding Chester’s finances and a potential sale of Chester Water Authority

April 19, 2023    DCED response to Rep. Lawrence, claiming DCED has no record of Mayor Kirkland’s proposals

May 22, 2023    Receiver for the City of Chester response to Rep. Lawrence, claiming the Receiver has no record of Mayor Kirkland’s proposals

Aug. 24, 2023  Right-to-Know request filed by Rep. Lawrence with the City of Chester asking for Mayor Kirkland’s proposed plans regarding Chester’s finances and a potential sale of Chester Water Authority

Sept. 22, 2023   City of Chester response to Rep Lawrence, denying Rep. Lawrence's request, and Rep Lawrence's appeal to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records.

Jan. 22, 2024 
Rep. Lawrence demand to counsel for the City of Chester to comply with the Office of Open Records Final Determination awarding Lawrence access to Mayor Kirkland's plans submitted to the city's Receiver.

Jan. 25, 2024 - Chester Mayor Thaddeus Kirkland's "two credible plans" to bailout the city of Chester as finally disclosed after Rep. Lawrence won an appeal with the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records

Proposed Construction of a New State Laboratory for Multiple State Agencies
Rep. Lawrence questions Acting Secretary of Health Dr. Debra Bogen on Proposed State Laboratory

Rep. Lawrence’s letter to multiple state agencies regarding rumors and delays surrounding proposed state laboratory

Brighton Rehab and Wellness Center in Beaver County, location of the largest nursing home COVID-19 outbreak in Pennsylvania
FBI Serves Search Warrant at Brighton Rehab, Beaver County Times

TribLive article regarding State Dept. of Aging motion to quash a subpoena received from the US Attorney's Office to produce documents about Brighton Rehab

Rep. Lawrence questions Secretary of Aging, Robert Torres, about Brighton Rehab

Rep Lawrence Right-To-Know request to Aging Secretary Torres asking for communications between Torres and Gov. Wolf regarding the situation at Brighton

Dept. of Aging response to Rep Lawrence, stating that Sec. Torres never discussed the deteriorating situation at Brighton Rehab with his boss, Gov. Tom Wolf

House Bill 2033 - 2021

Oct. 29, 2020, Act 70 Report showing the state laboratory is a “limiting factor” in the state’s COVID-19 testing effort.

Oct. 25, 2021Cutler/Rapp/Lawrence to acting secretary of Health, Alison Beam, concerning the failure of the state laboratory to address long-standing issues, and asking for an in-person visit of the laboratory

Oct. 14, 2021, Act 70 Report showing the state laboratory is still a “limiting factor” a year later.

Sept. 22, 2021Rep. Lawrence floor speech calling out Wolf Administration on COVID-19 testing

Office of Inspector General Investigation on Failure of the Wolf Administration to Meet a Constitutional Mandate
Investigation into Department of State’s failure to advertise a proposed amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution intended to retroactively extend the timeline for child sexual abuse victims to file civil actions against their abusers

COVID-19 Vaccinations to County Health Departments / House Bill 63

    Chester County Delegation Letter to DOH Secretary Alison Beam Regarding Vaccinations
      PA Dept of Health Plan to Set Up Regional Vaccination Sites, Bypassing County Health Departments
      Southeast Pennsylvania Counties Issue Joint Statement on Regional PEMA Vaccine Site
      Representative Lawrence House Bill 63 Floor Speech
      Lawrence Bill to Expedite COVID Vaccine Effort
      PA Lawmakers Battle to Give Counties Control of Vaccine Slated for Mass Clinics
      Suburban Counties Breathe "Huge Sigh of Relief" as PA Scraps Controversial Plan for Regional Vaccination Sites

Pennsylvania Department of Health Lawsuit Against Spring Carlisle Flea Market
June 19, 2020, Settlement Agreement Between Department of Health and Carlisle Events

Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs Letter Regarding Increased Expenditures by the State Board of Dentistry
Read the letter here

Leader Benninghoff Request for Government Oversight Committee Investigation of COVID Related Nursing Home Fatalities
Read the letter here

Federal HR 1 Letter to PA Senators Toomey and Casey
Read the letter here

Lincoln University Board of Trustees
July 2020 Letter to Chairlady Braswell

Chester Water Authority
Brief of Amici Curiae

Here is a link to the 1973 agreement.

Here is a link of me questioning the Secretary of DCED on this issue.

Here is a link to a Feb. 28, 2022, letter sent from the law firm of Campbell Durrant to the Receiver for the City of Chester – apparently in response to my questions during the DCED budget hearing a few weeks before.

Here is a link to the April 2022 letter that the Receiver for the City of Chester (who is directly appointed by DCED) sent to the PUC regarding the City’s position on ownership and reversion of certain assets if a sale of DELCORA proceeds.

Rep. Lawrence confronted the Wolf administration with these documents after they denied involvement in sale of Chester Water Authority. Lawrence obtained the records in a Right-to-Know request.
Rep. Lawrence and Rep. Cutler Letter to DCED Secretary Davin

Secretary Davin Response to Lawrence/Cutler CWA Letter
DCED Response to Questions Posed During 2021 House Appropriations Hearings
Rep. Lawrence Right-To-Know Request to DCED regarding conversations with Chester Mayor Kirkland
DCED Response to Rep. Lawrence’s Right-To-Know Request

Chester Wastewater Treatment System Sale to DELCORA
1973 Agreement between Chester City, Chester Sewer Authority, and Delaware County Regional Water Quality Control Authority with 1986 Amendment 

Legislative Reapportionment

Rep. Lawrence Letter to Chairman Everett Regarding Gerrymandering

Permit issued for Red Rose intersection project; work to begin 
The issuance of the permit represents the clearing of the final administrative hurdle for the $2.4 million intersection project.

$201 Million Farm Show Lease Deal

Terms and Financing Agreement for Farm Show Lease

Lawmakers Call For End to Diversion of State Funds to Out-of-State Investors

Letter to PENNVEST regarding $50 million Lyme Timber loan.
Pennvest Response
Easement on Lyme Timber Tract
Public Access Infrastructure Plan on Lyme Timber Tract

30th Street Station Flip Board

Delegation Letter to Amtrak CEO Richard Anderson

Response Letter From Amtrak

Letter to Representative Lawrence

Accountability and Transparency for State Mandated Dairy Premiums for Pennsylvania Dairy Farmers

Lawrence Comments Before the PA Milk Marketing Board December 6, 2018.

Lawmakers Call For End to Diversion of State Funds to Out-of-State Investors

Letter to PENNVEST regarding $50 million Lyme Timber loan.
Pennvest Response

PSU responds to Lawrence letter concerning proposed renovations at Beaver Stadium.

Letter From Zack Moore, Vice President for Government and Community Relations, Penn State University.

Questions Concerning Renovations at Penn State
Rep. Lawrence Letter to Penn State President Eric Barron Regarding Beaver Stadium Renovations

Establishing Colonies Of Phorid Flies
Penn State Phorid Fly Study

Goat Hill Wild Plant Sanctuary 
Letter from Bureau of Forestry regarding Goat Hill Wild Plant Sanctuary

Four Way Stop at Appleton Rd and Strickersville Rd, Franklin Township
Rep Lawrence Letter to PennDOT regarding Appleton/Strickersville Rd Intersection
PennDOT District 6 Response Regarding Appleton / Strickersville Rd Intersection
PennDOT Four Way Stop Approval Letter Appleton/Strickersville Road

Volkswagen Diesel Settlement

DEP Letter Regarding VW Diesel Settlement
Response from DEP Regarding VW Diesel Settlement Letter

Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities Advertisement on WHYY Public Radio
Letter to Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities Regarding Advertisement on WHYY Public Radio
Response from Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities Regarding Advertisement on WHYY Public Radio

Driver’s License Testing Appointments
CCIU Third Party Driver's License Skills Testing Services Application
Chester County Delegation Letter to PennDOT Sec Richards Regarding Testing Centers
PennDOT Reply to Rep. Lawrence Regarding Driver’s License Testing Appointments

Payments to Public Charter Schools
PDE Follow-up Letter to PDE Regarding Payment to Public Charter Schools
PDE Letter Regarding Payments to Public Charter Schools

Transportation Related Promotions
Response from Sec. Richards regarding contracts for transportation-related promotions
Letter to Sec. Richards regarding contracts for transportation-related promotions

Gov. Wolf Response Letter to Rep. Lawrence's Pothole Correspondence
Rep Lawrence Letter to Gov Wolf Regarding Potholes with a Proposal to Address the Situation

PECO Power Surge Letter
PECO Power Surge Letter from Rep Lawrence

Sec. Tomalis

Letter to Education Secretary Dumaresq regarding Sec. Tomalis

Driver’s License Reissuance
Letter to PennDOT Secretary Leslie Richards Regarding Concerns About Driver's License Reissuance
Response from Sec. Richards on Driver's License Reissuance Issue

Paycheck Protection
Letter to Majority Leader Turzai asking for a floor vote on Paycheck Protection

Letter to Acting Education Sec Dumaresq regarding PA Information Management System 
Letter to Secretary Dumaresq
Response from Secretary Dumaresq
Lawrence letter to IRRC Regarding Common Core and Protection of Student DataRep. 
IRRC Response Regarding Academic Standards and Assessments

Lawrence Letter to U.S. Gov't on Proposed Agriculture Regulations
Letter to Division of Dockets Management
Letter from Senator Toomey

Pennsylvania Open Workforce Initiative
Avon Grove Board of School Directors
Letter to Avon Grove School Board

Letter to PA Milk Marketing Board regarding Over-Order Premium 
Letter to Chairman Brubaker 
Response from Chairman Brubaker 
July 10 2013 Letter From Chairman Brubaker to Representative Lawrence
Dairy Farmers of America Letter Explaining How PA MMB OOP Dollars Are Paid To Out Of State Dairy Farmers

Wickersham Road Safety Lights
Wickersham Road Safety Lights Letter to Oxford School District 

New Firearms Restrictions
Letter to Oxford Mayor Geoff Henry regarding new firearms restrictions

Common Core
Letter to Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) Secretary Ron Tomalis requesting more information about the impact that the pending imposition of national Common Core Standards may have on Pennsylvania school districts 

Second Medicaid Letter to Governor Corbett

Commerce Energy's Solicitation of Oxford Village Residents 
Letter to Commerce Energy CEO
Response from Commerce Energy

Road and Street Signs
Federal Regulations Pertaining to Road and Street Signs

Regarding NBC affiliate WGAL Channel 8
WGAL Letter from Rep John Lawrence
Response from Federal Communications Commission


Camp Tweedale Girl Scout Camp
Regarding Camp Tweedale

State Route 472 - Bridge Rehabilitation
Rep. Lawrence Letter to PennDOT - SR 472 Bridge Rehabilitation 
PennDOT Reply Letter - SR 472 Bridge Rehabilitation

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